Sunday, January 27, 2002
Laur @ 4:15 PM
listening to "Louie, Louie" by the Stories
She closes the door and all you can do is hope she'll open it again. She took away your key- you're locked out.
Friday, January 25, 2002
Laur @ 4:36 PM
listening to "The Last Lie I Told" by Saves the Day
You run down the street, hands in the air and singing, without a single care in the world. You look so happy, so carefree, with your bare feet and rolled up jeans. If only you would turn around, you would see the rest of us. Everyone either in tears or yelling. How is it that the only feeling you have is happiness and whimsical?
Saturday, January 19, 2002
Laur @ 8:03 PM
listening to "Hanging by a Moment" by Lifehouse
The place felt like a morgue, and all she wanted was out. There was no sunshine, no laughter, no anything positive. Even for someone who loved for rain and greyness and crying, it was all too much for her to bear. Turning every corner, she came to find that each hallway was exactly the same, and just as dead-feeling as the next and previous ones before. How could anyone live like this?
Wednesday, January 16, 2002
Laur @ 10:00 PM
listening to "It Must've Been Love" by Roxette
Walking down the hallway, eyes staring at the ground; here I go again. My best friends surround me, but not in the way that you think. There they are, at their lockers, with the loves of their lives. It doesn't matter to me that in a year, they won't even want to say that boy friend's name. All that matters is that they think they've found love, and that's more than I have.
What I have is the floor, in all it's unpolished and tarnished goodness. It is what I stare at and use to avoid catching the eyes of others.
You see, once upon a time, I was falling in love. It was real, so real; not the split-second 'luv ya's that exist and are used so unsparingly these days. Long story short, there is no happily ever after to end the tale. I was in love and it was... ruined, to say in the least.
Now it haunts me. The hugs, the kisses, the holding hands, the many, many times we lay there and held eachother. The perfection of it all somehow slipped away into the nothingness that now causes me to stare at the hallway floor.
All this while my friends just stand by and make out, pleading love that is as unreal as the television show you just watched.
Thursday, January 10, 2002
Laur @ 6:53 PM
listening to "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman
Love is a powerful word, and an even more powerful thing alone. If you really were in love, did you have to go and make me feel it, too? I know you're hurt... and even if it was my fault... why did you have throw my heart in the blender? A million prickles the size of elephant tusks, stabbing me like a billion knives straight into my veins... and more. Kerosene poured onto my head and then a match thrown at my feet. Lovely hate. Once upon a time I was all on my own, standing straight. Happily ever after looks so far away... you've already begun to strike me down. Why?
Tuesday, January 01, 2002
Laur @ 9:55 AM
listening to "Rain" by Glay
Come out, come out, wherever you are
I know you're in there somewhere
Just waiting to spring upon us all
What will it take for us to lure you out?