Friday, April 29, 2005
Laur @ 9:22 AM
The days are just packed, you know, and I don’t mean to reference the title of the Calvin and Hobbes book that I like to read when you leave your bed for water or parental conferences—it is simply the way of things today, and I fear, my love, that today has been a day of neglect, and someone like you (with your eyes that leave me breathless and your voice that captures my attention even with it’s quietest utterances, and not to mention absolutely everything) should never feel neglected... especially by someone like me, who can never get enough of any small part of you.
(Today I may be distracted, but oh don’t you ever doubt that you are forever here, trapped willingly [I hope] in my thoughts).
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Laur @ 9:12 AM
Cleverly conspicuous, she tosses her hair behind her shoulders (it's long and brown-- just like the length of the glance she hopes to receive, and the color of the eyes that she hopes will be glancing); you smile softly, because by now you know her so well
that you can see right through her plan, and you meet her eyes purposefully (love).
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Laur @ 12:19 AM
listening to nothing
He wouldn't come to my softball game because he said it was too hot outside, and I wondered if what that really meant was "I said I loved you, but actually what I meant was I am vaguely infatuated with you, but only in the air conditioning." As I warmed up the infield with one foot atop my 1st base, I convinced myself that this was not true, because my the air conditioning in my car is never on, and yet it is in the car that he tries to tickle me affectionately when we drive-thru Jack in the Box.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Laur @ 8:52 AM
listening to people in my Spanish class
I didn't have time to brush my hair this morning, because my will to awaken was so severely weakened by our late-night discussion. (I call it a discussion, but it felt like a fight, and it still feels like a fight because I'm too scared to find you between class periods). Sometimes I say things, not because I'm not thinking but because I've thought things over too much (to the point that they are like memorized lines); my pointless passion plagues me and as the day wears on all I can do is wonder will you hug me.